3-day Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic in Northern Vermont
Tag: Vermont
Vermont Night Sky
Mountain Home Stowe, VT
A collection of Architectural Indoor Photos
Roots Builders
On assignment with the artisan building crew in Vermont
Published: by PICSPORADIC
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Aerial Photography
A collection of imagery taken from the sky
Photos above the earth
In the summer of 2016 I got my first drone: a Solo by 3D Robotics. After a few unfateful first flights including several crashes – I began using it in production for action sports and videography. Where I missed the opportunity was with photos that I could take with this drone.
The drone picks up where the traditional photographer is limited – (usually around 6′ ) extending the perspective beyond the earthly realm. Drones afford the photographer limitless opportunities to see the world in new ways.
Through digital blending I have developed a unique technique of stitching together enormous panoramas (oftentimes from around 20 photos) to showcase landscapes and the human world in rich detail from above.

Sunset over Lamoille County, Vermont as seen from the fire tower on Mt. Elmore.

Published: by PICSPORADIC
Kingdom Trails Breaking News Video
East Burke, Vermont
When was first contacted by Lilias Ide over at the Kingdom Trail Association for their next summer video series she told me she wanted to do a spoof news report – little did we both know just how far the concept would go.
The final edit features custom graphics and sound – edited from 5 days off shooting where I followed the kingdom trail crew and along as well as filming the scripted newsroom segments.